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Use this journey planner for trip information and bookings on V/Line services only. For information about other Victorian public transport options please visit
No services can be found for the date(s) you have selected.Please check your travel dates and times and try again. The V/Line journey planner searches available V/Line services. If your journey contains multiple modes of transport, you might like to use the PTV Journey Planner.If you are planning a trip well in advance, timetable information may not be available for your dates of travel. Please call 1800 800 007 for more information on travelling with V/Line.
We are currently experiencing an issue with the V/Line Journey Planner and are unable to look up times for your selected journey. Please try using our Train and Coach timetables page, or the PTV Journey Planner during this time.
We are currently experiencing an issue with the V/Line Journey Planner and are unable to look up times for your selected journey.
Please try using our Train and Coach timetables page, or the PTV Journey Planner during this time.
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From Friday 6 December, Warrnambool Line services will have reservation-only seating. > More
From 18 September, V/Line passengers will be able to receive their tickets via SMS and email. > More
Long-standing partnership between AFL Victoria and V/Line extended > More
Accessible space reservations are now available on long-distance reserved V/Line trains. > More
V/Line celebrates 10 years of supporting regional youth through the Beacon Foundation > More
View upcoming departures on your line, be alerted if services change and see detailed service info, all by using our app. > More